Research has been conducted in the past which shows that children can perform well and succeed in their academic life only if their parents play an active role in their homework. Parents should be responsible enough for completing the assignments of their children. Online tutor can surely help in proper completion of task, but still parents are requested by every expert to show their interest in the study of their kids. Is homework harmful or helpful, statistics proves that, but keeping the pros and cons of homework aside, it is vital for parents to indulge in students study.
Benefits of assigning homework to students
Homework builds up a two way opportunity:
- It enables the family to communicate well and interact with each other.
- It is the best way to develop a better understanding and know each other well.
There are also other benefits that can be enjoyed:
- It allows students to revise as well as practice the subject that is taught in class and get prepared for next day session.
- It helps to enhance the memory power and also allows in better thinking ability.
- Self-disciplined and responsible is also being learnt through homework.
Is homework harmful or helpful, statistics will give you vast information on it! But, it can be said homework is rather a practical approach that can surely allow exploring different subject and you can get into the depth of knowledge.
Parents approach towards homework
Schools and teachers are soulfully not responsible for the brain enrichment of kids. Parents play a vital role which is why experts say that parents need to get indulged into their kids’ study. This not only enables to bridge up a healthy communication bridge, but also gives the opportunity to get an in-depth of knowledge related to any subject.
- Set up a proper time schedule:
Once parents focus on setting up a particular time for doing homework will automatically eliminate all kind of hassles. Either parents or their kids can decide to sit together and solve problems after their school or it can be at night. Choose a convenient time to settle down the necessary task.
- Choose a study place:
Apart from thinking is homework harmful or helpful, statistics will surely give vast elaboration on it. It is important to emphasis on having a fixed place where you can study every day. This place should keep you away from all kind of distraction.
- Brainstorming ideas:
What is your role in your kid’s life? Have you ever thought of showing interest in his/her subject? It is vital for every parent’s to indulge their kids into a brainstorming session. This would not only excite them, but will also make them more knowledgeable about a particular topic.
- Discuss problems:
It is said that two brains are always better. Therefore, when the kids and parents brain collide there is a chance of exploration of new ideas. This can create a platform to discuss problems and come up with apt solution.
- Time management skills:
Assist your children on how to divide the homework into small bits. As this would simplify the task and can be done quickly. Deadlines need to be managed and so think of completing beforehand.
Is homework harmful or helpful? Statistics says…
The question may still remain whether to continue with the current trend, or just look for some other options that can give an opportunity to develop skills and also make student efficient enough to perform well in exam. It is necessary to adopt a balanced perspective which can deliver positive results.
Time that is dedicated for homework needs to get aligned with the age of students. Depending on schooling level, the homework needs to be assigned. In case your kids is in elementary school, then very little time should be spend on homework, for middle or junior school 90 minutes time is enough. Is homework harmful or helpful, statistics says that a high school student should not spend for than 1-2 hours on their home task.
The key point to remember while doing homework:
- Purpose of homework:
It should build up the skills and help in enhancing memorization power of students. More time can be given to understand the subject through elaboration.
- Include few concepts:
The assigned task should include less of concepts so that students can get into the depth of subject and collect varied information related to topic which can ensure a better understanding.
- Match up to learning goal:
While dealing with home task, it is necessary to match up with learning goal. The teachers are responsible for assigning work that can serve the purpose of doing homework. A focused learning experience is needed to build up better knowledge.
In order to ensure better results from students, it becomes vital to maintain the timeframe of doing homework. Giving students with right and timely feedback can boost up the level of confidence. Is homework good or bad? Get the details of pros and cons of homework will also give in-depth information about the different views of home task.
Importance of having a specific schedule
Is homework harmful or helpful? Statistics often come up with data that is based on the majority. But, the trend still demands homework management from students and in order to do so it becomes absolutely necessary to allot a specific time to manage task. Having a specified time often enable students to complete their task faster without any hassles! With higher concentration, it becomes easier to manage school work and have a good grasp on subject.
A time that you choose should be convenient for you as well as your parents. So that you can have a team work and get to know the details of every subject. There is no need to think is homework harmful or helpful? Statistics will come up with some results but students need to still follow the age-old tradition of doing their homework. Students need to get constant feedback so that they can work on their shortcomings and expect to have appreciation which can boost up their confidence.