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How You Should Be Studying for Your Electrical Engineering Course

by Sep 27, 2016Electrical Engineering

Electrical engineering is not a course to be taken lightly. After the gruelling process of sitting for entrance examinations and passing competitive exams, students tend to relax and take life easy. Many are not used to how lenient the professors seem to be. This is an entirely new life where making friends and memories tend to take the steering wheel.
It is only during the exams that students remember the importance of getting good grades and passing in order to secure their future. With living away from home, making new friends, participating in a host of events and exploring other areas of interest, it is easy to forget about studying till the very last minute.
Tips to Study Electrical Engineering
University presents a huge change when compared to school. The increase in study material, long classes and the focus on placement requires a change in how you choose to daily studying. However, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, below are a few tips to help you get started.

  1. Take Notes Diligently
  • The key to ensuring you know all the important points is to pay attention during class and take down notes.
  • Professors are trained and have studied for many years to perfect their knowledge of the subject. The facts that teachers hand out have been acquired after reading many texts and sources.
  • You have to privilege to bypass some of the reading but simply paying attention to what they have to say.
  • A great way to avoid carrying multiple notebooks for each teacher is to write your notes in an organized manner on paper and store it in a file for easy access.
  • Keep them in a safe place where it cannot be damaged or lost.
  • They key to taking down good notes is to pay attention and know what information is important and will be required.
  • Do not attempt to note down every single word the teacher says. Pick and choose information that will be difficult to remember and will be required for tests.
  • Highlight important points or topics so that they are easy to find when revising or writing assignments.
  • Writing down notes helps one to remember them – making studying later a lot simpler.
  1. Study Regularly
  • This is something a lot of students seem to forget to do once entering university. Just like in school, regular schedules and routines are crucial.
  • Having a routine is especially necessary right now because of the vastness of the syllabus that needs to be covered.
  • It is impossible to study everything overnight and expect to pass an exam with flying colours.
  • Create a schedule that requires at least two hours of studying every day.
  • Go over notes that have been given in class for each day, and write it all out in an organized manner.
  • Do not allow yourself to get easily distracted. Remove all distractions for those two hours.
  • Turn of your phone, television and refrain from checking social media till you’re done studying.
  • Abiding to a routine will be difficult in the beginning, but with due diligence, patience and determination you will get used to it. Studying will become a natural part of your day that cannot be missed.
  • Keep water and food beside you while studying because you will get hungry and thirsty. It is good to have it nearby so that you do not waste time trying to look for something to eat.
  • The faster you are done with all assignments and projects, the sooner you can go hang out with friends or sleep!
  • Start small. If studying is difficult for you to do regularly, study for only half an hour a day and keep increasing it as time goes on.
  1. Work on Problematic Areas
  • Nobody has mastered their course as yet. It takes a lot of time, energy and focus in order to achieve good results.
  • There may be areas that are more difficult for some student and some areas that are easier.
  • It is important to figure out these problematic areas, so that you can work on them.
  • Ignoring difficulties will only make your job harder; scoring well will become a problem.
  • Keep a track of questions that you are consistently getting wrong or unable to understand in class.
  • If there is something that you do not understand while it is being taught, ask the teacher to explain it to you again.
  • Keep practicing and reading theories and equations till you figure out an easy way to understand and solve them.
  • If you have trouble focusing while studying, then create a time schedule that works for you.
  • Instead of studying for an hour at a stretch, take a five minute break every twenty minutes or so.
  • Write down areas of concern or difficulty that need to be clarified and ask a friend or teacher for assistance, or simply work on them when you have more time.
  • Never procrastinate in this respect; it will only hold you back from progressing in class and homework.
  1. Doing Sufficient Research
  • The easiest way to understand new and difficult topics is by doing intricate research.
  • The more you know, the easier it will to comprehend it.
  • Before sitting down to complete any assignment, do a significant amount of research to ensure that you understand every point.
  • This will eliminate the possibility of problems arising while doing homework or a project.
  • Do not hesitate to ask questions and answer them as well.
  • Try not to digress while doing research; stick to the topic at hand and all related information.
  • Having a wider knowledge of a subject will never hamper your progress.
  • Research will save time, since you will have all required information and will not need to think or struggle for answers.
  • Looking for information in online professional websites, or in textbooks and other sources will help solve equations with various methods.
  • Build a relationship with your professors, they have a bounty of knowledge that they are willing to share with you.
  • Ask professors questions about topics that you are struggling with, participate in debates and discussions with them. This will definitely increase your knowledge of a variety of things.
  1. Get a Tutor
  • If you are unable to cope in class or figure out certain concepts, hire a tutor to help.
  • It is best to get a tutor well before an exam starts so that you have sufficient time to study and clarify all the problems you have.
  • Ensure that your tutor is qualified and can help you with ease. It is pointless to hire someone who struggles as much as you do with the subject.
  • Beyond being sufficient for studying purposes, the tutor should be well within your budget as well.

Excel in your electrical engineering course with these tips!