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How to Inspire Children to Do Their Homework

by Sep 27, 2016Homework Help

Methods of educating children have been an important topic of concern and debate for many years now. Children are temperamental beings, each with their own individual personalities. It is important to understand how their minds operate and function in order to be able to teach them efficiently.
This is an especially hard task for teachers since they are dealing with at least thirty students at a time. What helps, is remember that they are children at the end of the day; this means they are easily distracted and the key is to grab their attention and hold it for as long as possible.
Parents have an easier time dealing with children since they have brought them up and know what their kids enjoy. This can help make a teachers life a lot easier, because homework is a core part of a student’s routine and must be done to ensure that they are studying and being able to cope in class.
How Can Parents Help?

  • Assist with Homework

Parents play a vital role in how students study and progress in class. Teachers set homework to assess how much the student has understood in class, and how he can use the knowledge he has acquired. As a parent, you can guide your child but never do the homework for them. Help them solve sums, explain concepts and theories in a simple manner, but encourage them to do most of the work on their own so that they are able to learn and retain information.
The time spent helping your child with their homework is also a bonding experience. You learn about their day, teachers and peer members and how they cope in class. Any problems faced at school can be solved as well. Most of the time, children feel shy or fearful of retelling their day to parents in case they have done something wrong or are being bullied in some way. The time spent doing homework together can help them open up.

  • Use Interactive and Informative Games

There are various games that are being sold in the market to help children with cognitive and mental training. These games can be used to turn studying into a fun and interactive experience. Most kids tend to stay focused while playing games without knowing how much they are learning.
Use flash cards, mental math games, and other little bits and bobs around the house to motivate children during their homework time. If they enjoy something, it will be easier for them to grasp fundamental concepts. They will also be more willing to complete work that has been assigned. Games also build an interest in kids so that as they grow up, they retain that enthusiasm to learn more about it.

  • Remind Them of the Importance of Education

Some children attach importance and value to education because they have been taught to do so. Teach them to value their education by reminding them of the privilege they receive while many children do not have the same opportunities. Continuously tell them about great people who made a name for themselves because they studied and worked hard.
Teach them to be persevering, endearing, focused and determined. Inspire them to follow their dreams, and encourage every dream they have. As children, the people they want to become will change rather quickly, but it is healthy to encourage them at every stage of their life. This will motivate them to do their homework more diligently.

  • Reward Them for Good Work

The best way to encourage young learners to keep doing well is to reward them for their efforts. It isn’t necessary to only reward them when they have done astoundingly well in their class or won an award. When you notice your child putting in an effort and working hard, they should be rewarded with something small regardless of the outcome. This will encourage them to work harder and not give up on their goals.
Rewards need not be extravagant or out of the box. A chocolate for their efforts or even and extra hour of TV will suffice. Look through Top 10 Tips for Teachers to Make Classwork and Homework More Interesting for more information.

  • Do Away with Distractions

Kids are extremely distracted by the slightest sound or movement. It is crucial to remove all possible distractions. Many students enjoy studying with a little bit of music or the TV as background noise.
However, studies show that a quiet and serene study area without minimal sound is more conducive for quick and effortless work. Music only tends to work your brain more to focus on two things at the same time. Do not let them play unnecessary games or watch TV until they are done with necessary homework and assignments.
How can Teachers Help?

  • Teach with Games and Anecdotes

The easiest way to teach children in large groups is by turning most of what they are meant to learn into a game. Instead of assigning written classwork, divide the class into large groups and create a game that incorporates the essentials of what they are studying. This will not only help them focus on instructions and theory but it will also teach them how to work together in order to win or do well.
Another brilliant teaching method is via anecdotes. Students are more likely to understand a concept if they’re able to relate it to an everyday scenario. Use short stories or even relate laws of physics and chemistry to household items or TV shows so that they are able to learn by relating and comparing.

  • Explain with Details

Using extensive details can sometimes be confusing for children to understand. But when you use examples along with details it becomes much simpler, especially for children who are having trouble understanding the topic at hand. The details should be relevant and necessary or else they will not be able to decipher what needs to be included in an answer or left out. This will give them an outline about how their homework needs to be structured and completed.

  • Remedial Classes

Not all students have the same ability to keep up with some subjects. They may be slow in one subject yet quick to learn in another. For those who are unable to afford tuitions or extra help, there should be remedial lessons during or after school hours given by teachers. This extra effort can result in major improvements from students.
Most of them simply need a little more guidance and one on one time in order to focus and do well. They will also be able to note down questions and have them clarified by the specific teachers during remedial lessons. During these classes students can also clarify doubts about their homework, if any.

  • Be Approachable

The best thing to do for a student is to be approachable and open. This is not to say that a teacher should be overtly friendly or prying into private lives. But they must have a nurturing way about them, so that students do not feel intimidated to come to them with questions and problems. A kind teacher who is not biased or mean is able to get struggling students out of their shells, and push them towards better opportunities.
When considering education, teacher and parents play a vital role in how a child studies and what they choose to learn. Both teachers and guardians should communicate with each other on a frequent basis and update each other on progress or struggles of the student in question.