Management Homework Help

How to Get Better Grades in Management Learning Assignment?

by Apr 19, 2017Management

Most of the people who want to do a PG program or higher studies, plan to do a management degree. In any management program, there would be many assignments that need to be done to complete the course as well as to get good marks. A management course has many assignments and projects to be completed.

Management study

Unlike in other subjects, management has various topics involved in it. There are various types of marketing lessons to be learned in this. Also many topics such as human resources, supply chain, finance, etc. are dealt with management. Let us see about some of the subjects that are dealt under management studies.

  1. Marketing management-

This topic deals withthe marketing of finished products. This is the main purpose of any company. They are making products for selling them to consumers. There should be awareness about the product for the consumers. Marketing the product involves advertising about it. There should be new marketing strategies formed to improve the sales of the product.

  1. Human resource Management-

Students who are studying this topic can be an HR in a firm. They are an important part of the industry. They need to know about human psychology in addition to the management lessons. They deal with salary, work environment, company policies, etc.

  1. Supply chain management-

This involves the smooth functioning of both the sales and supply. If there should be good sales, supply of the goods must be on time in required amount. This field involves warehouses, shipment, taking count of stocks, not breaking the supply chain, etc. In order to maintain the sales, supply chain is important. It also involves local dealers.

  1. Finance management-

Maintaining the accounts of a company is no small matter. It involves a lot of concentration and dedication to the work. When you are studying finance, you need to be more vigilant in working with the numbers.

  1. Operations management-

Students from supply chain management can relate to the operations. This part of the management study involves in the production. Studying this in management helps you to increase the production, to produce more good in lesser time, giving a good service to the consumers, etc.

Writing an assignment

A management study is a vast area of subject, which cannot be contained in a few sessions. It requires alot of hard work, many projects and also many assignments. If you need to get good marks in your studies, it is not enough if you score marks in the exams alone. You need to get good marks in your assignments and projects also.

To submit a good assignment, you would have to follow some rules

  • Planning- plan your time such that you have time to prepare for the projects or assignments. Planning your time and using it effectively plays a very important part of your studies.
  • Gather information- when you need to write a topic, gather as many information as you can from your study material, reference books from libraries, internet, etc.
  • Study regularly- study your notes regularly. For this, you can write down all the important notes and go through them when you get time.
  • Write down your project- prepare a draft of how you are going to present your project. Write down your ideas and the flow in which you are going to present it. This way, you can get a clear idea of what more information you need to look for.
  • Discuss with friends and teachers- when you discuss your ideas with your friends or your teachers, you can get a new idea and also can know if what you are doing is right for the given topic.
  • Proofread proof read your article and finalize your writing. Write in such a way that it has a flow and everything is connected.

Your assignment should be more informative about the topic that is dealt with. So a lot of studies should be done towards the topic before you start with the writing part. Also be aware of what your professor expects out of you. You should not copy from someone’s work or directly write something that has been given in the book or on some website.

The topic should be understood by the students. This would only help you in the future in work. You can discuss with the teachers as much as you want about it. All teachers will encourage a student if he or she wants to discuss their studies.

You should start working on the topic when it is given to you. If you start it at the last time, then you would not have enough time to research the topic well before writing it down. Also at the last minute, you cannot write properly.

Remember to make it a habit of submitting a good project and a good assignment that are well researched. This would help you to get agood grade in management studies.