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How to Create an Environment for Learning Mathematics

by Nov 6, 2016Mathematics

There are reasons why most students despise mathematics; there are very little who love it. More often, this is because of a child’s lack of passion for the subject. This can be blamed on environment factors, teaching methods and the atmosphere of a classroom. The trick to instilling a love for the subject in kids is to start by creating a mathematics-friendly environment early on.
Many students are not getting the solid foundation that they require. As a result, progress from one class to another makes it difficult to cope. Small children are unable to understand something; they start an instant disliking towards it.
Creating a Mathematics Friendly Environment

  1. Use Innovative Teaching Methods:
  • The most important part of getting children interested in a subject is to be innovative and creative.
  • Many schools stick to the old school blackboard and textbooks, but if you want to capture a child’s attention in the 21st century, it is paramount to be inventive.
  • Remember, we live in the 21st century where the focus is analytical thinking along with imagination. Everything can be done at the click of a finger, which is why most students struggle with paying attention.
  • The only way to gain their attention is by using different teaching methods that include colourful charts, activities and PowerPoint presentations and other techniques.
  • The children are attracted to bright colours and animation.
  • Teachers can make immense progress simply by changing their tone of voice when teaching. Much like reading a story to kids, teaching with an animated and excited voice can encourage students to be attentive.
  • Place number charts, tables and other interactive charts all around the class with the mathematics topics that is being taught that week.
  • During breaks and in between classes children will automatically hover around them and read those, trying to solve the problems or learn about something new that may not have been mentioned in class.
  • The more they read, the more information they will be able to retain. The problems on the charts will also give them the opportunity to solve it independently or in a group.
  • This is also a chance for them to revise what they’ve just studied in class.
  • PowerPoint projects are a great way to hold the attention of the entire class.
  • Each slide can be animated and colourful; therefore, keeping them invested in what is being taught right till the very end.
  • It even gives teachers the option to pause a slide or going back to a particular slide in case there are any doubts or questions.
  1. Set Reasonable Assignments:
  • It is the teacher’s job not to assign too much homework and understand the amount of time each assignment would require to complete.
  • Many forget that they are not the only ones setting homework, and they class may not be the only one in which a student will have to subject something by a stipulated deadline.
  • If each teacher sets the same deadline for large assignments, trying to complete all of them will obviously become stressful.
  • Students who are not given enough time for mathematics assignments and have difficulty in solving problems before the deadline tend to get frustrated and lose interest in the subject.
  • If there is a student who is genuinely struggling with a particular topic, allow them an extension to try and get a better grasp on the issue.
  • Do not be too harsh or penalize them if they are unable to understand or solve something in the very first try.
  • This will encourage students to try till they succeed.
  1. Be Approachable:
  • It is understandable that children are intimidated by authority, for a variety of reasons.
  • As a teacher, you are a part of that authority. In order to seem approachable towards your student, as someone who is there to help them, be more involved with them.
  • Your job is not simply to teach and leave, but during interactive sessions, crack a few jokes, tell some relatable stories and show students that you’re there to help them.
  • Have an open session for questions and quizzes; ensure that they understand that there is no such thing as dumb or irrelevant questions.
  • Clarify all their doubts as many times as necessary. Use free time to give them extra coaching in areas of difficulty.
  • This way, if they face any problems, whether personal or mathematics related they will be able to open up to you.
  • Give them advice that is useful and dependable.
  1. Relate Maths with Real Life:
  • One of the main reasons why students are unable to grasp concepts and theories is because they are unable to relate what they’re learning in class with the world around them.
  • When trying to explain, problem sums do not talk about a farmer who needs to sell ten watermelons, instead, use the example of a candy shop owner or toy shop owner. This will make more sense to them.
  • When teaching basic mathematics like addition and subtractions to children, use objects that can be found in class.
  • Using this practical approach will help those associate numbers with objects and make mental math much simpler.
  • Students need to understand the importance of mathematics in daily life. Whether it is calculating taxes or developing business acumen; mathematics is an important subject to study.
  • Once they start to comprehend the useful of a subject, they are immediately more interested there is to learn.
  1. Use a System of Rewards:
  • The best way to encourage children to do any sort of study is to eliminate the possibility of punishment.
  • When they realize that there are no harsh consequences for their temporary inability to study something, they will feel more driven towards continuously trying.
  • Constant encouragement boosts their self-esteem, and consequently, their involvement in classroom activities.

Mathematics can be a fun subject for one and all if taught effectively. If teachers and parents notice that student who is unable to cope or comprehend, they should give some extra time and effort. This will make the student feel like putting in some hard work and overcoming insurmountable problems as well.