How to Choose the Right Backpack for Your Child

by Oct 14, 2016Assignment Help

It is really tough to choose right backpack for students in their educational career. Even students get confused which one to buy. Parents often get jumbled which one would be the right choice for their kids. It does not mean that parents are unable to buy backpacks. But the fact is that students are loaded with supplies and books of respective schools. This then becomes hard to consider the right as well as the perfect one.
Heavy and uncomfortable backpacksare what no one likes. This is then important to avoid loads of books. Will this be the effective solution to take fewer supplies for the class? In fact, this might make the things undesirable. Students have to take all the necessary items to the school and start their learning process.
According to the researches, “Children’s backpack should not weigh greater than 15% of his/ her ownbodyweight. If its weight is too much, it might get worn or affect students. Moreover, this might cause a posture problem and other diseases like neck, back, strained muscles and should pain.”
This suggests that choosing a right backpack is quite essential for the parents to help their children in their growing age. In this regard, students should listen to their parents’ words to make their future brighter and easier.
Some factors that parents should keep in mind while purchasing a backpack:
If you ask your children about the type of backpack, then they will definitely say that it should carry all their school supplies. In addition, there are certain conditions that should be fulfilled. Choosing a right backpack includes:

  • SIZE and SHAPE:

It is often preferred to buy small backpacks for children. But the fact is that the burden of homework and study make it impossible to carry fewer items.This is because teachers always ask students to make a separate notebook for class notes and practicing assignments. This increases the number of items inbackpack. If students keep on carrying some items, it will degrade their performance in the long run.
So what to do? The shape of backpack should be in such a way that it would evenly distribute the load across the back. The more it will spread out these loads; it will become less strain for students.


While buying a backpack, it is better to look for wide shoulder straps. This will distribute the loads evenly to reduce the risk of muscular strain or an injury.
According to the recent research, it has been suggested that parents should take care of burden of carrying a number of items to the school. This is because parents would be aware of students’ daily harassment because of tons of loads in backpack.


Several varieties of backpacks are available in the market. It depends on the choice of the buyers which one to purchase. The properly padded backpacks should be the demands of every parent. In this regard, it is essential to make a right choice of abackpack with properly padded shoulder.
Appropriate backpack removes the dilemmas of excessive loads on the shoulder quite effectively. Without padded backpack, this increases the pressure on students’ shoulder. The more it is padded; it becomes easy for students to carry loads as it decreases the pressure on the shoulder quite effectively.


There are backpacks that come with waist belts. These backpacks distribute the load more efficiently than others and offer thebest flexibility to keep childrenstay away from pain. However, the pain depends on the way of its carrying. In this regard, students should follow the instructions properly to avoid any mishaps.
Most importantly, an ill-fitting backpack might be the reason of student’s back pain. It is thus important to make sure that students get the right size, shape along with right cushion for the backpack.

  • STYLE:

Styles define the generation gap. There are backpacks available in different style and shape. With the availability of various styles, parents can choose theright one. But the fact is that it becomes hard to make any choice. In this regard, it is better to take your child with you whenever you go for buying a backpack.
This is because new generation kids are totally different and have different choices. They often look for trending items right from their childhood. In this regard, parents can play a great role to make their kids understandable about the reality.

  • COLOR:

The choice of color differs from kids to kids. It also differs between a girl and a boy. It is better to make perfect choice of colors. Parents should try to bring those backpacks that come in the niche of their kids.
Things to Remember:
It is often recommended that parents should make a schedule to check student’s daily activity or ask students to prepare their own scheduleto handover it to them. This helps in keeping your focus on their activities. If you think burden of homework and study take a lot of time and capture their pleasurable times, then it’s better you should hire tutors.Well, it is hard to find professionals experienced tutors with ease. In this context, the online academic professional tutors are the best choice.
This means that there is no need to go anywhere while carrying a lot of loads behind your back for tutoring. Moreover, students can utilize the hours (when their homework are being ready) to study and get relaxed as well.