How Can a Mathematics Tutor Help with Your Statistics Homework?

by Oct 29, 2016Statistics

Mathematics and statistics are two different subjects, even then why mathematics tutors are appointed for statistics? I know this is a possible question that often arises in students mind. To get this concept clear, one has to identify the close relationship between these two subjects.
To begin with, statistics is basically the analysis of data created in volume. This collection of data helps to keep a record of anything and everything that is related and present on the face of theearth. For example the data of ‘rate of deforestation,’ ‘increase of SO2 in air’, ‘population rate,’ ‘death rate,’ ‘ratio of obesity between men to women,’ etc.
All these data then needs proper organization, calculation and representation. This iswhen thecontribution of mathematics is required.
How will a mathematics tutor be helpful for statistics?
As I have already established the closed link and relation between both the subjects, to get a clear picture, the following pointers will be helpful:

  1. Methods and application:

Statistics requires strategically placed data that will suffice the point of analysis. It needs to solve withproper equation, keeping all the conditions in mind. This is why certain formulas are made that helps to get the desired result highlighting the retrieved data analysis.

  1. Understanding of concepts:

Now to imply these equations, knowing the theory behind it is imperative. This is why you need to know about the concepts which support retrieving and calculating data. These concepts fall under the subject of mathematics, and it’s best if explained by expertisein that same field.

  • Ways of representation:

The best way to represent statistics is with mathematical equations. Wonder why? It will provide a logical base along with proper, compact presentation that will rationalize the data to people.

  1. Solving the problems

‘Every equation needs a solution.’ These mathematical equations can only be considered valid once the solutions are provided properly. To obtain the result efficiently and successfully, the concepts of mathematics needs to be absolutely clear.
See, this is how closely these two subjects are related. One cannot function properly without the other. For this reason, a mathematics tutor will suffice their problem perfectly and can help you to improve in the area of statistical analysis.
Do you know which mathematics concepts are imperative in statistics?
As I have mentioned that mathematical concepts are required, it is equally important for you to know which concepts I am talking about to apply in statistics. Here are the following concepts:

  1. Probability

Probability is the measure of the chance that how much time an event will occur as a result of an experiment. It is the division of the number of ways an event can occur by the number of possible outcomes.

  1. Linear algebra

It is that branch of mathematics that is concerned with vector spaces and linear mapping of those spaces. It includes the study of lines, planes and sub-spaces.

  • Differential equation

This equation is needed to solve the relation between its derivative and their function. The concept of variability is also related to this.

  1. Geometry and dynamics

This concept refers to the idea of motion and change. It needs to use in drawing a proper result of the collected data in the area of motion to have an eligible analyzed result.

  1. Stochastic analysis

It is a branch of calculus that operates on stochastic processes including the theory of integration.
Now that you know about the concepts require it is equally important to have a clear understanding of these mathematical concepts.
Problems faced while doing statistic homework
In case if you are not very sure about them, it’s time you take professional help, either from private tutors or online homework help services. Here, are some common problems faced in understanding and dealing with statistics:
Know the ways to improve your statistics homework and presentation
It is very easy for a person to know about the ways to improve doing statistics homework, at the same time they need to do it in a proper manner. The following tips will provide you with the perfect idea of doing homework in an organized manner that will fetch you better marks.

  1. Take proper guidance and help to clear all your doubts and queries. It is better if you hire a professional mathematics tutor. You can also opt for professional homework help services who can provide you with extremely well present assignment done by professionals. You can take that as a sample and proceed further with other assignments.
  2. Do your homework regularly and follow a proper routine. You can only do that if you are attending your classes on a daily basis.
  3. This will also help you to improve your concepts, and you can absolutely carry on with your statistic homework or assignments effortlessly.
  4. The best way to present statistical data is by presenting it in the form of graphs and pie charts. This will also help people to understand the basics of analysis, therate of growth and decline, as well as comparison.

These are the ways of which you can be a better statistician. This is why you require an expert mathematics tutor who will help and guide you create a very strong base.
Statistic as a career option
If you are looking forward to taking statistics as your career option and have a strong mathematical background, there is nothing that can stop you from getting an amazing career. Presently, statisticians are much valued and required globally. An experienced statistician gets around $45,000 to $115,000 per year.
If you don’t want to miss this lucrative offer, it is best you hire a professional mathematics tutor and start improving your statistic for an enhanced life!