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How after School Programs Help Kids with Homework?

by Aug 28, 2016Assignment Help

For the past few decades, due to the increasing demand of better performance, the complexity of the homework assignments and the amount of the homework projects are gradually increasing. However, given the constant demand of good results and admission to the best high schools and colleges and universities, students often fail to pay attention to the homework assignments.
“Homework does not always have to be done at home!”
Benefits of after school programs:
The after school homework programs are designed to help students complete their homework on time. These programs are beneficial in a number of ways. Here are the most common benefits of the after school homework programs that help the students.

  • Increase their safety and supervision:

In the present scenario, single parents and working parents often fail to provide the safety and security to their children. Hence, for a significant period of time after returning from school, the children are left unsupervised. These after school programs help students to enjoy a safe and supervised time.

  • Promotion of cultural identity:

Many after school programs incorporate cultural and communal activities in their curriculum. Thus, children from different communities, socio economic backgrounds and neighbourhoods, develop a communal identity and responsibility.

  • Academic assistance:

This is the most important part of the after school homework programs. These programs provide academic assistance to the homework that is assigned in class by the teachers and is a part of the child’s academic or classroom curriculum. The program helps the kid to develop an academic enrichment and build skill to complete homework and assignments on time.
How will an after school homework program help your child?
The after school homework programs are designed carefully for the kids. One can find –

  1. A dedicated space for homework:

This is very important and probably the stepping stone for the child’s homework session. He or she must have a dedicated space for doing the homework. If the child does not have this at home, it is a must that as a parent you take the help of the after school homework programs.

  • They offer a well-lit, calm and quiet atmosphere, individual table for the kids to do their homework.
  • There are research areas, where the kids can use the computer and the internet to gather information for their project. Children can type their assignments here.
  • There are separate areas for the kids to do their projects.
  • Children can read their books and learn at a comfortable and quiet ambience.

These features are very helpful for doing homework.

  1. Set routine:

The after school homework programs set the routine for the kids as per the daily homework and assignments. Whether the kid needs 30 minutes for a task, or if he requires more time, is decided by the skilled professional guides and assistants of the programs. If the child manages to complete the homework before the set amount of maximum time or deadline, he or she is allowed to enjoy an enrichment activity, usually a game that uses maths skills or something similar.

  1. Comfortable ambience:

Since it is an after school program, it usually starts after the school hours are over. If the time does not suit your child’s daily schedule, you can ask the program person to find a program that suits your and your child’s schedule. These programs ensure that the child receives a snack before starting his or her daily homework. This gives the children the energy and stamina to do their homework with enthusiasm.

  1. Teachers to guide and assist:

Most of the best after school homework programs have their own guides, teachers and after school homework program assistants, who help the children complete their homework. This is of great help for the small, school-going children.
If the kids face any trouble, they are given an idea of how to solve the problem. These teachers help the students to channelize their thinking and ideas. This way, they will be able to think of their own. These assistants and teachers do not do the homework on the kid’s behalf. They just help the kid to understand, which direction they should channelize their ideas in.
The teachers monitor the tasks of the kids. They find the flaws of the kids and tell the problems associated with the task. The kids can thus change and correct the problems and flaws. Therefore, the kids, who participate into after school homework programs, can always bring to school flawless and absolutely correct homework done.

  1. Stay updated:

These after school homework programs do not mean that the parents would not have any connection with the progress and the curriculum of the child. The program keeps the parents updated about the child, the homework assignments and how the child is participating in these programs. Hence, the parents can do the rest at home, to help the child more.
With so many benefits and features of the after school homework programs, students, especially the ones in junior school, can certainly be benefited with these programs. My child is an active member of an after school homework program and I too volunteer in their program, paying dedicated attention to a child every day. I think it is a great way to help a child complete his or her homework tasks within a fixed time every day. This way, I can spend quality time with my son, when we both get back to home and homework assignments are never a burden.