Few Tips to Encourage Kids to Accept Failure in Class

by Jun 29, 2016Homework Help

The ups and downs of life are plentiful, and it is something that we are well acquainted with as we progressed through life. A big part of who we are as adults has been determined by how and what we have been taught in our younger years. Our lives have been shaped by how we are taught to handle failure and success. It is important to teach children than failing is an important process while learning and growing, and no single failure determines the trajectory of their lives.
It is also important to teach children that it is not always failure, but a bump in the road to success. As a teacher you shape the thought process of young children, so it your responsibility to help them through failure.
“Teachers are like second parents. They play a critical role in a child’s life.”
Handling children and their failures
Children will believe almost anything you tell them, especially when it is about themselves. It is important to be gentle with children, especially when they have not been able to pass a subject, or understand something. Most children understand that it is essential they pass a class or complete an assignment successfully, and when they do not manage to do so, they tend to demotivate themselves.

  • Be encouraging

Studies in child psychology have shown that kids respond better to positivity and words of encouragement. When a child fails a test, do not demotivate them or say mean things to them. Instead, remind them of their potential, show them where they have made mistakes and how to correct them so that they may avoid those mistakes in the future. Also never call a mistake a failure. Use positive words to motivate them. Tell them that they can try again next time, and that they have the ability to try harder and do better. This will help them feel confident despite their low grade.

  • Be approachable

Kids are usually afraid of people in authority. So, when it comes to being a teacher, you can be put in a difficult position. While you must instruct them about their assignments and work, and reprimand them for any disobedience; it is also your job to be like a friend to them. They should be able to come to you when they are in need of help or assistance, or facing any kind of problems with their peers, or at home.
You must speak to them with authority while being kind and affectionate towards them. This is especially important when they experience any sort of failure. They should understand your investment in them, and you should motivate them to do next time. It is important to remind them that failure is a part of their learning process, and that they should always strive to do better.

  • Do not punish or reprimand them

It is understandable that it can be rather frustrating when teaching children. However, regardless of how long some children take to understand a topic, or pass a test, it is important to never punish them. Take some time to learn the child, and figure out why they are having trouble learning something. While you should not reward them for failing, you must also not punish them. Make it clear that an award awaits them if they do well. Even a smiley face for a good grade is enough to encourage children.
“Positive thinking is what helps children make good progress.”

  • Do not compare

When trying to motivate a child to do better in a particular subject or task, you should not compare them to another child who is handling the task well. This will only allow them to demotivate themselves and think that they lack the potential to do as splendidly as someone else. Instead, put weaker children in groups with children who understand the subject. This way they will learn from their peers. They will learn their methods of study, and even follow their moves – like paying attention in class.

  • Make studying fun

One way to encourage kids to do well, and get over their fears is by making the subjects they dislike fun. Create games, or colourful flash cards and charts to grab their attention. Once you have their attention, it is easy to get them to learn.
Teach them interesting facts about certain people in history or about science even if it is not in the syllabus. This will help them develop an interest in the subject, thus, pushing them to move past their failures and study hard. You should also go through the tips to fall in love with mathematics to make them interested in the subject.

  • Allow them to be themselves

Kids have their own ways of studying and doing things. So long as they are destructive or disruptive in class, allow them to use their own methods provided they are able to complete their work on time. This gives them freedom to be themselves, which is an important encouraging factor if they are having difficulties understanding or completing something.
Children are easily influenced, and how you teach them to handle life today, will follow them their entire lives. Teaching them important life lessons and skills is very important. They will fail multiple times, but it is critical that they know how to learn from their failures. This will help them as adults, through college, and the various jobs that they have.