Essays Are Not Easy but Some Easy Steps Make It Trouble-Free

by May 17, 2017Writing

Writing is penning down of your or others imaginations or views. Penmanship is not an easy as it seems. The ideas or words volatilize the moment you sit down with pen and paper.

For a split second, you may feel betrayed by your talents and hands. For professional writers, this feelings are customary at the beginning of their writing. But your panicky brain makes it more difficult for you.

Consider sleeping for example, when you go to sleep, you just don’t fall asleep the moment you shut your eyes. Your minds wander around and poke you with disturbing thoughts. But with time, you start to lose your senses, and you are never able to remember the exact moment you fell asleep. Same is the matter with every job you perform. You have to create that aura to bring that fluency in your work.

Same is applicable for writing!

What is an essay?

A piece of writing that gives out the arguments and views of author. There are two types of composition depending on the style of writing.

  • Formal essays
  • Informal essays

Various types of essay are:

Can be in the form of:

  • Article
  • Pamphlet
  • Short story
  • Film essay: A movie that incorporates documenting film styles
  • Photographic: Consists of text and captions

Tones can be:

  • Historical
  • Narrative
  • Argumentative
  • Economic
  • Reflective
  • Compare and contrast

Essay writing is a monumental task in any language. The process of penning down one’s thoughts in a precise subjective and analytical way requires not only grammatical powers but also the clarity of ideas.

Grammatical mistakes in essay writing can be in the forms of:

  • Noun form
  • Verb form
  • Subject-predicate agreement
  • Pronouns
  • Forms of expressing possession

It is a good habit to proofread your essay after writing and check if you can strike out the post mentioned checklist:

  • Are nouns in singular form?
  • The usage of verbs and auxiliaries are correct
  • The form and number of persons agree with the subject and predicate of the sentence.
  • Pronouns should agree with nouns

Tips you should practice to master your writing skills:

  • Choosing a topic:

If you are assigned to a topic, you have to think the type of essay you want to produce. With the tone and type depends on the subject of essay. You cannot be informal in an educational content and vice versa. After selecting your tone, you have to perform a detailed research about the topic. After collecting needful information and pictorial idea about your essay you can move on to the next step.

  • Outline diagram of your thoughts:

You must organize your thoughts. The main feature of this step is to find proper connection between ideas. The essay must not be scattered. A flow diagram may be helpful to structure out the flow of ideas. Jotting down of main ideas will be helpful to branch out little ideas from its roots.

  • Write the Introduction:

The primary motive of introduction is to draw attention of readers. The more engaging the introduction is, the more the readers continue reading. Begin with an attention grabber. Starting with a story, quote, dialogue, information generally helps, but be sure to provide the reader with rightful information about your introductory trick.

  • Write the body:

The body contains arguments, explanations or details of the topic. Make small paragraphs and take the liberty to allow each main idea in different paragraphs. Provide the reader with content and contrast view of your thoughts.

  • Write the conclusion:

It is the closure of the topic. It is an integration of all your ideas and produces a final perspective on the subject.

  • Finishing touches:

Attentions are to be paid to the small issues. Ignoring silly mistakes may prove your hard works futile. Please check the order of paragraphs. You may sort the paragraphs according to priorities. Be sure you provide subheads and bullets if necessary. It makes the essay easy, to read and follow the topic.

Proofreading your essay is a must. Your writing may make sense to you, but essays are written for readers. If the content confuses fellow readers, your content is no good.

A seasoned pro reader can also use the topic to deliver messages in a satirical way undermining various politico-economic conditions, so the applications are not only numerous but also widely varying if one can master this subtle task.

Language is the tool which gives structure to your thoughts. So, whatever languages you choose make sure you possess a rich dictionary of words to play with. This requires age-old virtues of dedication and hard work. And after you have mastered the basics of the language of your choice, the rest of your work becomes much easier.

What are musts, to improve your writing?

  • Other people’s essays:

This helps you develop the style and way of an approach of your essay. You get an idea about readers’ point of view, and you try to mold your writing in that style. You get the context of a broad range of topics too.

  • Proper use of vocabulary:

A good vocabulary helps in expressing your ideas. You can pen down exactly what you want to write. To improve your vocabulary, you should read newspaper and columns. Use a dictionary or thesaurus to keep a tab on every word and its usage, antonyms, synonyms.

  • Avoid repeating certain words:

You may feel that most of your sentences end with the same words. Try to phrase your sentence differently or use a synonym of that word. The use of repetitive words makes content monotonous.

  • Syntax, punctuation and tone of voice:

Hoping for a miracle is in vain when it comes to writing. A thoroughly determined practice is a main key to success. So, never put your pens down!