Effective Ways to Make an Excellent Chemistry Lab Report

by Feb 6, 2017Chemistry

Chemistry is a branch of science that deals with the various substances of which the matter is made of. It investigates their properties and the reactions they go through when they react with other substances. Such reactions are also used to obtain new substances. Thus chemistry is very important in studying the composition, the structure, chemical properties and various changes that take place in matter. It is a science involving study about atoms, chemical compounds and bonding, intermolecular forces and reactions and so much more.

Chemistry lab reports are prepared by all the students in their routine work. It is an overall presentation of the work that has been done in the chemistry lab and the various things that you have learned in this subject in the class and in the lab. It is very important that the lab report should be perfect as it can help you to fetch good grades and better evaluation. It will give you much better marks if your chemistry lab report is finished in an excellent manner.

Some effective ways to make an excellent Chemistry lab report

  • The abstract portion should be very clear

Abstract is to be written in around one or two paragraphs. Mention the objectives of your study; describe in brief methods, results, and conclusion. It will be like a short summary for your chemistry lab report and will cover everything very briefly. You can leave space on first page and then write the abstract report once you have written all things.

But remember to write it before introduction page. It is important for student that they should make the introduction page informative and brief which can catch attraction of teachers.

  • Give a nice introduction

Give a proper introduction. Give some details about experiment that you have done and the reason for doing it. It should cover the nature of the problem, the purpose of doing experiment, the scope, and method of investigation, descriptions, hypothesis, and research related questions that you are going to address through observations. It gives all the basic idea about experiment that is performed to readers. If introduction is catchy it will give better idea about other pages in report.

  • Give a detail about the materials and methods used

Give details related to experimental procedure in this section. List all the materials and equipments that you used in the process and the methods that you applied while doing the experiment.  It will give clarity about your work.

  • Clearly state the results

Give the results achieved from experimentation and present the data obtained in a neat and clean manner. Use tables, graphs, diagrams etc. wherever necessary in presenting the results of the process. Each and every result that you obtained while experimenting needs to be presented including ones that don’t support hypothesis. It is better for the students to give the findings in the report so that they will give better idea about experiment conducted.

  • Discuss the results

This section explains a detailed account of what happened in experiment and the significance of the results that are achieved. Evaluation and analysis of experiment is done in detail in discussion. Important findings are disclosed, and various patterns, principles, and results are described.

  • Give conclusion and references in the end

Conclusion is like a summary in short, of the things you did in the experiment and you have to give references from where you have taken the necessary information and help for performing experiment. Conclusion should be short and brief so that it become catchy for readers as what is mention in report and what is main objective received after drawing out conclusion.

  • Diagrams should be very neat and clear

It is very important that diagrams should be very neat and clear as it will enhance your presentation manifolds. Avoid any cutting in the chemistry lab report if you want to gain good grades. Writing should be very tidy and clear. Language should be simple and catchy so that users can understand main theme of preparing report.

  • Balance the equations

Check that the equations are balanced on both sides. If they are not balanced, you can definitely lose marks as it will create a wrong impression on teacher.

  • Check the numerical calculations and mention the units

All the numerical calculations should be checked at least twice so that there is no error. Always remember to put correct units after solving and convert units wherever required. These small things are of great help to get better marks in your chemistry lab report.

  • Graphs and tables should be properly labeled and should be very neat

The graphs and tables that you will draw should be properly labeled and extensive detailing needs to be done. They should be very neat and clear. Mention all important details and take care that they are presented in a very good manner as they offer a brief summary of the results achieved to the readers.

Thus all the above steps will be work better in related field. If still students are facing any kind of problem regarding preparation of report then in that case they can take the help from online experts who will work better for them in related field. To some extent students will also come across with 8 excellent ways to get excellent grades in Biology. They can also follow above steps in the best manner where they can do their assignment along with other work properly in Biology subject which will help them to get good grades in that subject.

Thus the services provided by experts are best which can easily provide requirements of the students in different field where they can take advantages of them in homework assignments or preparing reports.