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Drowning in Homework: The Pressure of Homework and the Solutions

by Apr 20, 2017Homework Help

Doing homework and the pressure of it is very tiring and annoying work these days. Schools indulge in adding to the woes of students by piling up the list of loads of work. The result is simple – students are always seen drowning in homework. They are left tired, clueless and with a good deal of unwanted burden.

No, the word burden is not enough to describe the present situation faced by children. It is something more, that dampens the spirits of children. The ill effects in one form or the other are faced by all – teachers, parents and students. Mindless homework completion is the fifth wheel which must not be encouraged in schools. There ought to be constructive learning.

Different skills of students

Students from different fields require different abilities. Teachers and parents must pitch in to slacken off the unnecessary workload. It is anything but a positive approach. With so heavy pressure, students get deviated.

  • Regular meetings between teachers and parents are essential
  • Discussions between teachers and students must be on regular basis
  • Teachers must come up with new methods

No matter how good the teaching system is, teachers and school are hell bent on assigning home works in heaps. Children remain aloof and distant due to this. Many psychological issues crop up in the bargain.

Friction between children and parents

There are problems galore which students undergo in order to complete homework. With all this pressure mounting upthere has been an increase in rift between parents and their children.

  • Parents must help children with their work
  • Must encourage them indulging in other activities
  • Parents should inculcate a sense of working on time.

Discipline forms the basis of any work. A well maintained scheduled must be followed, else children would often find themselves drowning in homework. The horror homework and work pressure has created reached to a whole new another level. The mire of dilemmas has made the situation all the more worse.

Students face problems in completing their work. They get exhausted, to a fault. Teachers fail to create an impact on children. The daily classes are often monotonous and non-serious. Hence they find in hard to complete their work assignments.

Importance of a friendly bond

The moment until when the teacher-student bond is not strong, the problems keep piling up. A teacher must drill in good habits and the importance of work in daily life and its benefits in future. The talks which are amiable and less strict are the best ones.

Exercising, if often neglected due to the advent of technology and its daily use. Workout and exercising should be seen a favorable factor which provides a respite to the ones who seems to be drowning in homework, just about always.

  • Helps in concentration and focus
  • A schedule is formed by practicing this
  • Children get inclined towards maintaining their health.

A healthy body is a healthy mind – this adage rings true to us at any point of time. Exercises, running, cycling, etc. must be drummed into the lives of children in that they become focussed in this manner.

No student is similar, and the cranial capacity of each varies. It’s up to the teachers to manage them, treat them accordingly and appreciate them for all the things they are best in. The teacher should never be biased.

How should teachers deal with students?

Each field has its own significance. In the same manner, the physical abilities are never alike. Not every student or child is mentally healthy. Some children are psychologically disturbed, some are mentally challenged, some lack and lag behind. This happens due to nonchalant attitude of the school teachers and staff which increases the agony of students.

  • Students who have issues must be dealt with love and care
  • The amount of homework should never be superfluous
  • Fun activities must be organized for them

Games and fun things relaxes mind

Your brain needs to be polished time to time. The gray matter can contain things when teachers and parents have a creative bent of mind and help in creating and curating one for the kids as well.

  • Puzzles and Sudoku must be given to students
  • Students hardly forget Audio-visual study materials
  • Ask students to do tasks which challenge the mind
  • Eat healthy food and a balanced diet

Loads of homework leaves the poor students drowning in homework, further wallowing in the grief leaving them all in. They become totally tired and rush towards the bed to catch a good deal of sleep. An excess of slumber makes the children lazy and work-shy, and the pressure of piles of homework cuts the hours of sleep in their lives.

  • Children must not be up to the witching hour
  • Students must take a good 7-8 hour sleep
  • Planned timings must be there for the perfect slumber

Different forms of education

Full time and part time education are very different. There is a proper semester system, learning sessions, regular tests, and revision. Part time, on the other hand, is regarding the education in which the classes are few, with no regular classes.

  • During full-time education, the homework pressure must not exceed the normal limits.
  • Teachers must take into consideration the exam season too
  • Part-time should never become a burden at the end.

With such high pressure on students, children have no time for other activities. They appear to be drowning in homework. It is imperative to build a creative approach so that things are in favor for everyone- students, teachers, and parents.