Whenever you feel distressed by any problem in your life just try to remember this awesome quote by Rona Mlnarik, creator of Kick Ass & flourish Life & Business Coaching – ‘If the challenge exists, so must the solution’. This is one quote that has kept me going through all my troubles. Knowing that there is a solution can take away half the stress that one has.
In this case, the challenge you are bogged down by is an assignment in Management. According to a lecturer Loretta Inglis, some of the difficulties that students face when it comes to writing an assignment are:
- Begin Preparation at the 11th hour –
This is something what students do wrong, leaving the preparation until the very last minute. Last moment rush causes panic and you begin to run out of ideas. Lack of time also brings in other problems.
- Not being able to use theory appropriately –
Case Studies require time in the preparation. It is not easy to grasp the main problem in each of the case study in such a short period of time. Only then will you be able to do a reasonable job of generating suggestions.
- Inadequate recommendations and implementations –
11th hour assignments lead to poorly done recommendations section especially the implementations section. Sometimes, students begin extremely well but due to lack of time hurry over the later sections of the assignment submitting a half good – half poor work.
From above we identify our problem – Insufficient time and a Lack of Understanding. So we begin our approach accordingly.
Problem: ‘Insufficient Time’.
Solution: Time Management and Proper organization.
How to do it?
Different assignments may all have their deadline falling on the same day. Hence it is important to manage them effectively, allocating time for each one of them depending on the difficulty level or time needed for research.
- Begin early and fresh:
The first and foremost thing to do is to begin early. Most assignments on any topics are handed out soon after being discussed in class. It is advisable that you begin as soon as you get them to ensure that valuable data in your mind doesn’t fade away.
- Make a planner:
As soon as you reach home with the assignments of the day, jot them down in a planner – with the name of the assignment, date of submission/ deadline. Accordingly, depending upon the priority or the difficulty level of the subject allot time for them. Make sure to give in realistic timings.
- Getting organized:
Yes! You have to get organized before you begin anything. Even I organized my work area before I sat down to write this blog. Choose a place with minimum distractions and ample light and air.
- You can sit in the library if you want. Library is a great place to study. Not only do you have a million books, cases that you can refer to, you can also find a group of your classmates discussing their assignment in the discussion section of the library.
- When you are at home, establish a study place for yourself. Your body will begin to associate this area as a place to study. You will be less likely to feel distracted or lethargic.
- All you notes, stationeries, books should be by your side when you finally sit down.
- Make sure you arrange all your important facts, notes in files/ folders. You can color code them also. This will ensure that you do not waste time searching for them when needed.
- Always sit in an area with sufficient bright light. This is because dim light tells your brain that the day is over and it’s time to sleep. Plus, you will be straining your eyes in that light.
- Group Study –
If you cannot sit in the library, then why don’t call your friends at home. Discussing case studies is an excellent way to understand the critical points. Only when you understand properly will you be able to give in your suggestions. Group study is also helpful when it comes to numerical subjects like statistics. If you have trouble in statistics read what are the ways to complete Statistics Assignment on time.
Problem: ‘Lack of Understanding’.
Solution: Analyze,Participate, Read, Gather and Execute.
How to do it?
Insufficient time devoted for reading, lack of research, bunking tutorial classes are some of the reasons that could be why many management students like you find difficulty in understanding what your lecturer/ teacher is expecting from you in your assignment.
- Analyze:
The first and foremost thing before you begin your assignment is to understand what your faculty requires or the departmental requirements for your assignment. Hence, in case of any doubt consult your study group or better still contact your faculty. After all,you would not want all your hard work to go down in the drain.
- Participate:
Another way to understand the topic is to participate in tutorials. Tutorials will be useful for you in proper understanding of the lecture/ topic/ class. Plus you can further analyze the topics by asking questions, listening to the doubts asked other students and what the teacher replies.
- Read:
Once you understand the assignment, now is the time to read. Do not solely depend on your textbooks for all the information. Use the university library as you might get all online as well as offline help in one place. The main thing is not to read everything that comes your way but to practice targeted reading.
Try to read only what is relevant to your topic. Read twice if you still fail to get the gist.
- Gather:
As you come across useful information, either take down in form of notes or get it photocopied. This is why studying in a library is a great benefit. Also record the publications of any source you read including call number (if it is a library book), title, and author and page numbers. You can also use the highlight option to highlight keywords in any .pdf or .docx file.
It will be extremely helpful when you might need to consult the information again.
- Execute:
Now after all that comes the time when you have to finally write/ type it down.
- Try to stick to the point instead of just beating around the bush.
- Learn the art of correct quotation, citation, bibliography/ references as early as possible.
- Avoid plagiarism at all costs. Instead you need to learn how to present the ideas obtained in your own language. If need, you can quote like I did in the beginning of the essay.
- Edit and Proof read before submission.
I know this seems quite a lot to take it all at once, especially those of you who have trouble taking good notes, or never seem to attend any tutorials etc. But remember success never comes easily.