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Clear Concept of Independent Events Help Homework on Statistics

by May 24, 2017Homework Solution

Probability is the determination of the possibility of an event to occur. An event is said to be a set of results of an experiment. Probability basically deals with the study of these different events in combination with each other. Now how the events function with respect to each other, determines the rules to study probability. These events can be divided into two important categories:

  • Dependent events.
  • Independent events.

Having a strong idea of independent events is very crucial to proceed with further details on probability.

Basic concepts of independent events

An independent event is a case where two events are independent of each other such that the probability of one event to occur does not have any effect on the probability of occurrence of the other event. A sound knowledge of independent events help homework on many topics, mostly mathematics. We can consider an example, like rolling a standard six-sided die and drawing the 2 of spades from a pack of cards. Here these events have no impact on the probability of occurrence of one another.

To explain this concept further here is the formula for calculating the probability of two given independent events:

                                                                   P (A and B) = P (A) * P (B)


  • P (A and B): This is the probability of occurrence of both A and B. This is also called compound event.
  • P (A): Probability of occurrence of A.
  • P (B): Probability of occurrence of B.

Now, if A and B are two independent events then the above equation holds true. The probabilities of the events don’t alter when it is found that one of them has already occurred since they are independent of each other’s probability of occurrence. This particular process can be used for multiple independent events too.

Application of independent events

 A student pursuing a degree in a college or even in high school with statistics as a subject will find the maximum application of independent events in the course of study. In order to solve problems, one must have a clear concept of it. Once in grasp, independent events help homework and assignments on statistics can be of great assistance.

It is always nice to get an added assistance on such subject matters apart from teachers. Nowadays there are numerous service providers who assist budding students pursuing statistics as a major subject to understand these areas.They help build concept with innovative techniques.

In my opinion, the concept of independent events is quite interesting and easy to understand if a person is determined to do so. In high school, I was lucky enough to have access to very interactive and helpful teachers who assisted me through this topic.

By a simple concept of independent events, several numerical can be solved, and it can be very scoring in assessments as well. So for those students, who require extra support, should definitely go ahead and utilize the services provided by the experts in these companies.

Schools have a rule of giving loads of homework with the belief that it will prepare the students better. But too much of anything is always but hazardous. For students who have got so much to study, maintaining a constant GPA, extra-curricular, excessive homework can be too much burden.This leads to stress, tension, and anxiety. Although according to expert opinions, moderate levels of stress help students to push themselves and enhance their academic performance but excessive amounts of it may also be equally fatal.

Solving series of complex problems at home without proper guidance becomes very difficult. These companies teach smarter ways of learning topics on statistics, so independent events help homework from school. They aim to reduce the pressure of extremely tight schedule to some extent.This may provide the students with some much-needed time for recreational purposes.

Key features

These firms employ expert teachers and eminent professors from elite schools and institutes who have unique styles of teaching. Their techniques are simple and can be easily understood. Students both from college and high schools may easily seek help from them.

  • They use pictorial representations like charts and power point presentations to conduct thorough discussions on various topics to make them more approachable to the students.
  • Their projects that mostly deal with independent events show how this specific topic is related to certain assignments. Solved examples of numerical with proper explanations provided by them on independent events help homework from school to be finished before the deadline.
  • Regular classes and doubt clearing sessions are conducted on a daily basis. Every project is discussed in details. Each student is monitored Their problems are dealt with a lot of importance.
  • They offer services all week 24 hours a day.
  • Their services are absolutely authentic and dependable. Most importantly they are affordable to everyone

Their work policy

These companies work with the sole motto of producing top notch quality study materials on statistics that are understandable to all categories of students. Since independent event is a major topic of statistics, the experts give special attention to it. Some of their policies are categories below:

  • Absolute authenticity:

The study materials and solutions so provided by the company are totally authentic and are plagiarism-free. They prepare the substances from the scratch which are well-researched and packed with detailed facts related to a particular topic, in this case, independent events. Under their assistance students can make independent events help homework.

  • To maintain privacy:

The data or piece of information shared to the company by a person remains absolutely confidential. They are not disclosed to any other individual under any circumstances. This is done in order to limit misuse or unauthorized sharing of data.

  • To provide precise substance:

Statistics is a subject that deals with the analysis of a sequence of data in huge quantities for the purpose of organization and interpretation of that particular set of data. Hence dealing with this subject demands accuracy. Any sort of faulty calculations may result in flawed deductions.

  • Easy affordability:

The services are available at very nominal rates so that maximum number of students can afford them. This is done with the motive to make education a rewarding and enjoyable learning process.

The importance of independent events is vast, and its applications are well-spread, not only limited to statistics but mathematics as a whole. So getting professional aid to obtain deeper knowledge about it is now accessible to everyone. These new ways of education are slowly but surely bring fresh changes in the way of teaching.