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7 Tips to Help You Improve in English

by Nov 8, 2016English

A lot of good students struggle with their English examinations. They are unable to follow classes and perform abysmally in the examinations simply because they have underestimated the subject. Even if English is your first language, it is never a good idea to underestimate it.
Like every other subject that is part of your curriculum, English requires focus and hard work in order to ace it. However English is a fun subject to study, and once you get the hang of it, you can master it.
With a subject like English, you will be evaluated on three different aspects of English literature, English language and Spoken English. You must put in an effort to improve on every aspect in order to perform better in class.
So if you are struggling with English and need a little extra help to improve your performance in class, try these effective tips:

  1. Attend class regularly:
  • Most students take things too easy in English class and think they can afford to miss it. However, when they do come back, they are unable to follow what is being taught because they have fallen behind.
  • If you want to ace your English examinations, you can’t just study before the exams. You need to be regular and consistent.
  • Be regular, pay attention and interact in class. Not only does this give you a good reputation and encourage teachers to offer you extra help when you need it, but class interaction can build your confidence and improve your Spoken English skills.
  • Ask questions in class to clear up any doubts and improve your understanding of the subject.
  1. Take copious notes in class:
  • Take notes to help you remember points better. They will be invaluable when you need to revise things you have already covered in class just before the exams.
  • Take down anything the teacher writes on the board as that will give you important clues as to what your teacher expects of you. You may even be tested on those points. So note them down.
  • Keep an eye out for pointers about the exam format, possible questions, sample questions or any such details that will help you when you are going over your notes before the exams.
  • If you must miss class, ensure that you have a friend who takes notes. And borrow them from someone so that you don’t miss out.
  • If you have missed a few classes and cannot understand your friend’s notes, seek help from a tutor. You may request your teacher to assign one for you or find one by yourself.
  • Preserve your notes after your examination as you may need them later when studying for a similar topic.
  • For example, if you studied Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar in high school and studied Hamlet in college, you could just add to your notes and research instead of doing it all over again.
  1. Carry your textbooks to class:
  • Don’t be casual and forget to bring in your textbooks. You will not be able to follow a thing that us being taught in class unless you have your textbook in front of you.
  • If you don’t own the book, borrow it from a library, but you must be able to refer to it in class during the lesson.
  • Mark out difficult words, underline important quotes and jot down any important notes in the margins of your textbook. These will help you remember what you learnt when you are studying the material again at home.
  • If you are not marking your textbook and instead noting downline numbers, ensure that you are following the same edition of the text as the teacher and supplement it to ensure you are not missing essential portions of the book.
  1. Prepare for class by doing some background reading:
  • Do your research before every class. Some teachers will let you know what they will be teaching in the next class, some of them will even assign some background reading. Even if they don’t, take a look at your lesson plan and try to read up ahead of your English class as that will help you grasp and retain what is being taught in class better.
  • If you cannot read texts in question, read up the summaries. You get to know what you’re dealing with and don’t go in blind.
  • If the teacher has assigned specific topics for recommended reading, do justice to it. It is important to understand the background of a topic before exploring it in class in detail.
  • For instance, if you’re studying Pride and Prejudice in English class, you may want to read up a little on Jane Austen beforehand so that you understand her style of romance and satire as well as the socio-political scenario in England at the time.
  • Go home and read the text after you have studied it in class. This will improve your understanding and reinforce your learning and improve your retention capabilities.
  • If there is something you’re unable to comprehend, ask someone for assistance. But first, try on your own. Before opting for online homework help consider, is it really worth taking homework help?
  1. Take your homework assignments seriously:
  • Complete all your homework assignments. Don’t skip assignments and make silly excuses as you’re the only one losing out.
  • Homework is assigned to help you revise and critically analyse what you have just learnt in class. Especially with a subject like English, homework can help you approach the topic from different angles to think about different issues and answer examination oriented
  • It can help fill in gaps in your learning and be used to encourage you to supplement your reading in class with some independent research. It’s only when you start working alone that you learn to recognize problem areas that you need to focus on in order to
  • Further, they can also help you earn extra credit in case you need to improve your final grade at the end of the year.
  • Don’t plagiarize or copy and paste from the internet if you really want to learn and improve in English. There is no shortcut to hard work. If you do plagiarize, you will get caught and get into trouble.
  1. Expand your vocabulary:
  • This will help you improve in all aspects of learning in English. An expansive vocabulary will give you a greater command over the language and help you feel confident when you are speaking.
  • Further, it will improve your performance in both English language and literature tests as you will be more articulate and thus more able to communicate your understanding onto the paper.
  • The easiest way to expand your vocabulary is by reading. Read every day as that is the easiest way to develop a love for the English language and expand your vocabulary.
  • Carry a dictionary to look up new words or just Google it if you’re stuck. Not only will you learn so many different words, but you will also have fun doing it.
  • Remember, reading enhances your knowledge above and beyond simply improving your vocabulary.
  1. Find a suitable study method:
  • Different study methods work for different students. English is a versatile subject that can benefit from a variety of methods. Just ensure that you start well in advance and work according to a systematic schedule so that you don’t have a mountain of backlog right before the exams.
  • Conduct adequate research and supplement your class notes with information from the library or the internet. Incorporate mind maps, charts and flashcards wherever you need if that helps you study.
  • Find a comfortable and secluded workspace to study in peace. Find a study partner or a study group if you prefer to work in thecompany.
  • Just ensure that your study method works for you. Don’t be afraid to switch it up according to your
  • For instance; you could include more reading and research at the beginning of the But focus on mock tests, essays and exam preparation right before your finals.

With these amazing tips, you should have no trouble improving your performance in English!