10 Ways to Complete Your Math Homework in 20 Minutes

by Nov 8, 2016Mathematics

As a child I always wondered why teachers assign us homework- Didn’t we study enough in the classroom? Well, it might help you to get through all the lessons you learned, but it is not always fun. Okay, it’s never fun!
So here we are, to help you to finish your math homework as quickly as possible, maybe in 20 minutes. You have to be a little organised and focus on your study for that.
These are the10 ways to complete your math homework:

  1. Create a plan

Getting organised is the first step to complete your work quickly. You need to chalk out a plan before start working on your homework. You might get a notebook for this purpose. Write down what exactly you have to do and what not. If your plan is crystal clear in front of your eye, it will become less painful.

  1. Make your notebook

Keep a notebook where you will jot down the key ideas, theorems, and formulas. Besides, if you find some new simpler ways to solve any problem, note it down there too. You will always have some parts of your syllabus which seem easier than anything and some parts which are scarier than hell. Structure your notebook accordingly. And of course, keep updating them.

  1. Pace yourself

You might have an after school job, or some extracurricular activities after class but your teacher is not going to listen to anyone of them as an excuse. If you want to finish your homework in less than 20 minutes, you have to budget your time properly. Think about how much time you have left in your hand and then plan according to that.

  1. Where do you study?

It’s necessary to have a quiet place in your home where you will be studying. If you want to finish off your homework quickly, sitting in front of your TV will not help at all. This was acceptable when you were in junior school, but in senior years you have a lot of other stuff going on, other than your studies.
So choose a noise free, calm place where you can concentrate on what you are doing. Your workspace is as important as your scale, calculator, and compasses. Try to find a table or desk or hardwood floor where you can also set up your laptop. Keep all your essentials like scale, compass, graph book, calculator right in front of your hand so that you don’t have to take a tour every time you need something.

  1. Pick a friend for group study

There will be thousands of problems in math what you might not be able to solve alone, but you can always take help from a friend. Choose a friend to study together. Problems will seem easier, and you will finish off homework quickly. But, always be choosy about which friend you pick. If you end up chit-chatting, you are never going to finish with your studies.

  1. Understand your problems first

Before starting any assignment, read it out loud. You have to understand your maths problems first before solving it. If you don’t, take help from your peers. Elder siblings or your parents might also assist you in understanding them.

  1. Take help from your teacher

You can always skip the difficult parts and discuss with your teacher later. Most of us are always scared to go to the maths teacher with a problem but trust me; they will always be happy to help you out. I am sure your teacher will help you with a simpler way to solve it down.

  1. Skip the complicated ones

Do not sit with the same problem for a long time. It gets you frustrated as hell. Try to finish off the easy questions first and then come back to the tricky part. If you try to solve the same problem for a long time, you might run out of time to answer the easier ones too.

  1. Resolve the problems step by step

It’s not enough to get the correct answer for your problem, but it’s also essential to follow the right steps to reach it.
So while solving if you are following all the proper steps, your answer will be right. It might need a little extra time, but this is going to help you to solve more complicated problems in future. Even if you can’t get the right answer, you can find out the problems while watching out the steps without difficulty.

  1. Take a break

You need a fresh mind to solve maths problems. You can always start your homework with maths, but if you have already begun with other subjects, take a break before starting the tricky maths problems.
Even if you want to end your homework as soon as possible, taking a break for five to ten minutes will always freshen up your mind. You can talk to a friend too, but not for too long! Or else do anything which can cheer you up for ten minutes. Taking too much stress is never going to help you do something swiftly.
I hope these tips will help you out in solving your maths problems quickly. You can always give a read to “how can you stay on top of your homework” to get a thorough view on this. But if you have to put a lot of effort to solve them every day, you might need professional academic help. Consider getting a tutor for some time! However, that can be expensive, but if your school have some volunteer tutoring classes, you can join them too.