A Static Analysis of the Company’s Financing Assignment Help
Get Online Homework Help for Static Analysis of Company’s Financing
Welcome to myhomeworkhelp.com, here you can find a static analysis of the company’s financing homework help along with assistance on any finance related topics. Financial analysis is a method that involves analysis and reviewing of the accounting reports or financial statements of a company for estimating is present, past and future projected performance. This process helps in making better economic decisions since it involves reviews financial statements.
Analysis of how a company is financed can be done either based on the latest balance sheet or looking at several fiscal years. The main purpose of the financial analysis is utilizing the available information about the performance of the company in the past for predicting how it may fare in the future. One more important purpose of the financial analysis is identifying the potentially problematic areas, and troubleshooting those.
What is static analysis?
Financial analysis that is conducted on statements for only a single period is known as static analysis or vertical analysis. All the items in the statement are shown as a base figure for another item in a statement for the specified time period, which is generally a year. For a better understanding of what static analysis means, you can hire a static analysis of the company’s financing assignment help from us.
Generally, with static analysis, all the items on the income and loss statement are expressed in the form of a certain percentage of the gross sales, whereas all the items on the balance sheet are expressed in the form of a certain percentage of the total assets that the company holds.
Static analysis tries to answer the following questions:
- Will the company be able to repay its debt in a timely manner?
- Is there a risk of the company going illiquid?
Disadvantages and advantages of static analysis
Only a single reporting period’s financial statements are required for static analysis. It can be used for comparing performance between different companies or between different departments of a company. That is because relative account balances proportions can be seen, regardless of the size of the company or the department.
Not only the advantages, but even the disadvantages are also broadly discussed when you take a static analysis of the company’s financing assignment help from us. Since this form of analysis is limited to a single period only, the disadvantage lies in the fact that it loses out on comparing different time periods for evaluating performance.
The disadvantage can be dealt with by using static analysis along with timeline analysis, which specifies the changes that have occurred over time. A comparative analysis over three years is an example of such form of analysis.
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