For the year ending…
Expenses/ Losses | Amount $ | Revenue/ Gain | Amount $ |
To Gross loss-transferred from trading
A/c (if any) To Salaries Or Salaries and wages To Rent, rates and taxes or office rent To Go down rent or storage or warehousing To Office expenses or establishment To Miscellaneous. or sundry expenses To Insurance To Stationery To Printing and stationery To Staff Welfare Expenses To Lighting To Water and Electricity To Establishment expenses To Postage and telegrams To E-mail and Fax charges To Courier Services charges To Telephone expenses To Law charges or law cost or litigation expenses or legal charges To Repairs and renewal or Maintenance or upkeep To Distribution expenses To Travelling expenses/Conveyance To General expenses To Stable expenses To Selling expenses To Carriage or freight Outward To Carriage on sales To Indirect or unproductive wages To Audit fee To Entertainment expenses To Interest paid or interest (debit) or interest on overdraft or interest on loans borrowed To Discount allowed or discount on debtors Too Bad debts or Bad debts written off To Reserve or provision for bad and Doubt fill debts (New reserve-in adjustment) To Depreciation To Interest on Capital To Discounting charges To Bank charges or Collection charges To Export charges To Trade expenses To Administrative expenses To Financial expenses Tb Commission paid To Advertisement To Charity and Donation To Sample expenses To License fee To Delivery charges To Brokerage To Sales tax paid To Loss on sale of assets To Loss by fire/theft/accident To Upkeep or Maintenance of assets To Commission To Net Profit- Transferred to Capital A/c (If credit side exceeds debit side) -Balancing Figure
By Gross profit transferred from trading
A/c By Interest received Or Interest (credit) Or Interest on Investment Or Interest on fixed deposit Or Interest on Loans and advanced Or By Rent received Or Rent (credit) Or Rent from tenant By Discount received Or Discount (credit) By Commission received By Dividends Received By Profit from sale of assets By Refund of tax By Compensation received By Apprenticeship premium By Difference in exchange (credit) By Interest on drawings By Discount on creditors By Bad debts recovered By Miscellaneous receipts By Appreciation or increase in the value of assets By Income from Investment By Reserve for bad and doubtful debts (old reserve-if not treated at the debit side of PIL A/c By Net loss-Transferred to Capital A/c (If debit side exceeds credit side) -Balancing Figure
Links of Previous Main Topic:-
- Balance sheet in final accounts without adjustments
- Difference between profit and loss accounts and balance sheet
- Features or characteristics balance sheet
- Limitations of final accounts or financial statements
- Meaning of financial statements or final accounts
- Need or importance and purpose of trading account
- Need or purpose and importance of profit and loss account
- Performa of balance sheet
Links of Next Accounting Topics:-