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Do You Hate Completing Assignments? Know of Some of the Easy Ways to Complete Them!

by Sep 17, 2016Assignment Help

It was an evening poolside party that we were looking forward to when my child came back home to inform me as to how he had been given a very important assignment which had to be completed on an immediate basis. Naturally, not only his plan to party was cancelled, but it was quite a grim mood at our house as well.
As a matter of habit, when I checked what is assignment was all about, it turned out to be a simple assignment that required no such huge hullabaloo to be created and could have been very well done within a short span of time. This was one experience that made me question the reason for such disgust for completion of assignments and why on a regular basis, this was avoided by most of the students.
On the way to delving reasons:
Just like every concerned mother, I searched out certain important details regarding problems associated with this assignment and easy ways to resolve this. In this path of delving deeper into reasons, I found out reasons that primarily led to the issues associated with disgust towards such projects.
The primary aspect worth noticing as per my research was students found the whole process extremely time consuming and boring. Though touted as one of the easiest learning processes, this assignment writing was becoming a complete bore. Students rather than learning something from this process was simply interested in completing it on time and getting over with the responsibility.
This state of affairs surely needed a check since via this process; a good mode of learning was getting defeated. I have personally devised a way out which I would like to share with you. Why don’t you to try out these suggestions? Maybe, this could help in bringing back the actual fundamental of completing this project and learning something via this.
Knowing and dealing with problems of assignments:
The first reaction that I had to face while trying to understand the issues was ‘’Mummy! Your help will not make this project any more interesting! These assignments are bad and will remain bad!’’ Well, quite a natural one, given the fact that he was quite disgusted with the fact that he had to complete this within a given span of time.
This to a great extent gave me some time to check out the problems that he had to face.

  • Assignments that were given though had fewer marks associated with it, but on a competitive level, it was more than what a student would want to miss. This constant competitive approach took away the interest in learning a specific subject.
  • The students simply could not manage time and hold that tenacity of completion of the assignments. This resulted in losing out of the actual purpose of assignment.
  • Most of the assignments presented by students were a shoddy affair, wherein much data was stuffed on to a single space with no organisation associated. This wasbasically because it was a ‘get it done with fast’ mode that was followed at every step.

Finding a common solution to so many problems was not quite an easy feat. Hence, it required certain strategy to be followed, which personally served greatly in my case.
Step by step procedure to ensure assignment making a learning process:
Finally, with all the problems being taken together, I actually decided on finding correct solutions to it and making sure that I tried applying all these tricks with my child.

  • Knowing and understanding the topic:

After getting the next assignment, I sat down with my child and spent close to 10 minutes trying to understand and deal with this subject. Proper management of time is the key in completion of such assignments, and hence correct specification needs to be given to every aspect.
Only after I understood and explained to my child what the actual concept and demands of the assignment was did I decide on taking the next step in this process of assignment completion.

  • Making a list of topics to be consulted:

After getting the main topic, I decided to check out what sub-topics are to be covered in that domain to make the assignment a competitive one. Sincecertain important aspects and notes are to be covered in this assignment; hence, it is important that a list of such topics is made.
Since an apparent checking out is more than enough in this case, hence a rough idea of these topics are made. Close to thirty minutes should be spent on this.

  • Checking out online resources:

With online sources being some of the most trusted sources in present times, it is imperative to check out what various educational sites have to offer in terms of suggestions and important notes.
There are a number of professional websites that are there for your benefit. All you have to do is to check out whether your topic matches up with data that has been providedin those sites and how they are to be integrated into the assignments that are to be prepared.
The most important fact is checking out authenticity of the data that is given by cross checking it with other sites as well. Once that is done, the whole set of data that is to be referred to should be kept in case of further reference.
So, isn’t now preparing assignments a much easier process? The primary mistake that most of the students make is lack of organisation in regards to starting off with any project. Once that is done, the rest of the work is a cakewalk to a great extent.
Making the final presentation:
Once all this data is collected within a maximum span of one to one and half hour, another half hour should be spent on preparing an order of the data, in which it has to be placed in the assignment. This order is extremely helpful in reducing the final workload and ensuring that while completion of assignmentis done the child can also concentrate on other things.
Now the final work was placing proper facts and figures in a chronological manner in this assignment. This quite shockingly now took a minimum time of one hour to another forty-five minutes at an extant and the assignment was ready.
Not just that, my child for the first time was happy completing an assignment and genuine got to learn something from this whole process.
How about you are trying it with your child?
Well, I have been extremely successful by following this process with my child and would surely follow this in his next assignment as well. Why don’t you try out? This could be a true game changer! Also, in case you devised some new additional tricks do feel free to share. We would love to know your thoughts!