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A type of economical condition in which there is very slow or declining growth, is termed as weak or sluggish economy. In this state of economy, businesses undergo immense loss due to the fact that in such conditions, sale of products and services of a company gets lessened as consumers are not in a state to buy them. More knowledge on the topic can be obtained by visiting a weak economy homework help.
Features of a weak economy
There are few features that can denote that the economic condition is weak like –
- The nation needs to have least debts that are eligible to be paid soon. The market moves with companies and nations investing in different projects related to development. When the debts related to such acts are not being paid on time and the nation is not in a condition to pay the debts, it signifies a weak economy.
- The nation should try to give the foremost priority to those policies that relates to economic growth. Failure of the same can result in sluggish economic condition. Details about such policies can be learnt by clicking on a weak economy assignment help.
- The productivity of the nation should be kept on the rise by proper knowledge of modern technology appropriate usage of the workforce available.
Impacts of a weak economic growth
The flat or declining growth of economy can have serious impacts on the society, details about the same can be obtained by checking out a weak economy homework help. A few of them are as follows –
- The growth of different companies gets limited
Since the economic condition is declining, the companies working in the nation have fewer consumers to cater to. The economic condition of people or companies in the market becomes too less to be able to purchase products and services. Sale being the biggest point of growth of a company, the companies in turn undergo limited or no growth.
- Government is unable to mend the financial gap created
In times of weak economy, the taxes levied are also less which brings very less revenue to the government. Thus in such conditions the government also fails to bridge the huge financial gap created. More about such impacts can be learnt by visiting a weak economy assignment help.
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