Children’s psychology will tell you that they are small humans who are easy to condition. This is an important fact to remember when you are a teacher. One of your toughest jobs will be setting them homework and ensuring that they complete it. Simply finishing homework, however, will not be enough – they will need to complete it correctly. This is sometimes a difficult problem, but over a period of time you will figure out your students and be able to work around their quirks to ensure that they study when necessary.
Tips to inspire students
Statistics is not a subject that most students generally have a liking for. Considering the fact that it is a part of mathematics, most students automatically feel averse to the subject. It takes a lot of innovation and drive in order to instil a love for statistic in young minds. Below, you will find a number of ways in which you can make statistics homework fun and inspiring. You may feel free to mix and match them in combinations that suit your current class, teaching conditions, etc.
- Be creative
No matter what the age group is of the students you are teaching, every child appreciates creativity. They are more drawn to things that look inviting and exciting. Even this means just adding a little bit of colour to the world of homework, it is something you should consider doing. Use different day to day events and situations in order to explain something that might be difficult. It may take a while to come up with something new a regular basis but it will definitely be worth it.
This method also works when explaining something to students in class. It will be easier for them to memorize information. If something is relatable or aesthetically pleasing to them, they are able to focus, and be more attentive during those lectures in class.
- Keep it small
As you may have experienced with your own work, it is easier to smaller amounts of work even if they are given to you at frequent intervals. Work in small amounts is mentally stimulating, and does not bore the students as quickly. This helps them concentrate on all the work they get. No matter how much homework they have, so long as there is a variety, they will be more motivated to complete their work on time and with precision. Give your students 20 minutes of work for each topic that they need to cover or that day or week, and they are more likely to bring it to your desk, completed and ready to hand in.
- Group projects
One way that has more pros than cons is creating group projects. You can let the students pick their own group members or study partners or you can assign group partners for them. This has definitely worked for many reasons:
- It encourages student to be social. They are forced to interact with students who are not a part of their friend circle. This way they learn to how to adjust and work with others.
- Each student will bring something to the group. They can harness their various skills in order to do the group project in the most efficient and creative way possible.
- Everyone has the opportunity of contributing to the project, and there is a sense of inclusivity.
- It teaches students how to be leaders, as well as, how to help those who may not have a clear understanding of the subject. They each learn something from each other.
- They will have smaller bits of work to do, so they are willing to do their bit to bring the project to life.
- Include technology
The world is changing and we are living in the age of technology. There are many apps with new and improved ways to help children with their homework and studies. Utilizing these apps and sites to your advantage will not only help you find new homework ideas for your children, but the students will understand the relevance of their work. Considering the fact that they are more distracted by laptops and phones, having the involvement of technology will seem attractive to them and they will be inspire to do their homework without any complaints at all.
- Keep it interesting
It is important that you occasionally change your teaching methods or homework assignments. This will keep the homework fresh and interesting. Some days may be set for practical work while others can be used for theory homework. Having a healthy dose of both is what will keep students interested in the statistics homework. Have them go out and do field work, and record the information they collect. Thereafter, they can complete the theory portion of their work.
- Personalize it
A learning process does not necessarily mean that students need to only learn about what is in their syllabus. Give them assignments that ensures that they have to reach out to those who need their help, or people they can relate to. This will help involve them with their surroundings and develop a better sense of self, as well as, a deeper understanding of their statistics homework.
- Create a healthy environment
It is important to have a good and healthy relationship with your students. Create an environment in which they can approach you with their problems, both study related and personal. If they feel like they have a bond and an understanding with you, they will want to be on their best behaviour around you. This will include doing the statistics assignments that you set for them.
You can use include all of these tips into your teaching methods. They will definitely help your class be more productive. Considering that statistics can sometimes be complicated, they will also be able to gain a better understanding of the subject. Their interest in it will grow with time, and then you can progressively set more difficult and complicated assignments. Till then you can use these methods to gain their attention.